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Upload Your File

We will let you know when your order is complete or if we have any questions. If you have not already spoken with us about this order please call 978-674-8197, thank you. 

You may also email smaller files

(under 20 MB) to:

Large files and/or groups of files should be "Zipped" before sending. 
Click Here to download Winzip and learn how to use it.

File size limit 100MB

Upload your File

How to Zip Files

  1. Select all the files you want to zip together by holding the CTRL key and clicking on each one.

  2. Click the right hand button on your mouse, and select “Send to” from the menu that appears.

  3. Select “Compressed or Zipped Folder” from the secondary menu.

  4. This will create a new Zipped Folder, which will show up as a new icon.

  5. Now you can use the “Browse” function on the application to find that icon and select it for upload.

Call Us Now: 978-674-8197
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